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Straw Hats

The Hats


As I was heading towards 50 life was looking nothing like I thought it would. I was a widow, a mom of grown children, a breast cancer survivor, had a good career, engaged to be married, and newly sober. I had faced challenges and changes headon, thinking I had survived the worst – and then life added menopause, relocation, an early retirement, and loneliness to such a depth it’s indescribable.


I started to recognize I could no longer run on autopilot - frankly, autopilot broke, and I needed to assess and really live my personal hashtag #timeismycurrency. It is here that I hope to share some of ME to inspire YOU to recognize all the hats you wear so you can for yourself decide which are your favorite, necessary, or need to be put aside and even possibly thrown out. As I start this page, I am nearing 54 and what a bumpy, wonderful and painful ride since turning 50. Please join me for the rest of my journey.

Kelly Sankey

The Hat Lady


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